Tami B. Custom Makeup
The healthful cosmetic/makeup line made just for your individual skin-care makeup needs!
What is Tami B. Custom Foundation?
Tami B. Custom Makeup foundation is liquid foundation that is made uniquely for you and your makeup & skin-care needs.
At your in-person appointment, you and Tamara discuss your skin and what you'd like from a foundation. Then Tamara assesses your skin's undertones and custom blends your foundation, matching it perfectly to you skin, and adding any plant botanicals that are appropriate for you skin's health, texture, and other needs. This foundation is chemical-free and perfect for anyone with allergies or sensitivities to traditional, commercial makeup!
Please contact Tamara for your FREE consultation!
Why is Tami B. Custom Makeup a better option for you?
A number of drugstore and/or commercial cosmetics and makeup are made with ingredients that, although permitted by the FDA, are known allergens and/or irritants. Some companies still test their products on animals.
Tami B. Custom Makeup is a VEGAN/ANTI-CRUELTY, PLANT-BASED makeup/skincare line. The international anti--cruelty organization - Leaping Bunny - has certified Tami B. Custom Makeup as being completely anti-cruelty.
For more information, please visit
In addition, ALL Tami B. Custom Makeup ingredients are from THE USA.
Tami B. Custom Makeup products do NOT contain the following:
*Harmful Chemicals
*Harmful Dyes
*Bismuth Oxychloride
Coming soon...
An online shopping experience for Tami B. Custom Makeup products!
Meanwhile, please enjoy photo samples of Tami B. Custom Makeup, and contact Tamara for your custom makeup appointment!